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Introduction to Arc Layer

What is a arc layer?

The arc layer is the most different of all the layers, in that it does not follow (x, y) cartesian coordinate system, rather it uses the polar coordinates. By dividing a circular structure, it provides the basis of charts like pie chart, donut chart etc. Arc layer has different encodings altogether. Since this layer comes from polar coordinate the planer encodings are radius and angle.


const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery } = viz;

const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

mark: "arc",
encoding: {
angle: "Horsepower",

Arc layer

Creating a pie chart

A pie chart needs the angle field in the layer config to render.


const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery } = viz;

const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();
let dm = new DataModel(data);

const carCountDM = dm.calculateVariable(
name: "carCount",
type: "measure",
() => 1,

mark: "arc",
encoding: {
angle: "carCount",

Pie chart

NOTE: Not all kind of data are suitable for pie. Here, in the data there is no field which we can use to form a meaningful pie chart. Hence we have calculated count of cars per country Origin which could be plotted in a pie chart.

Creating a donut chart

For a donut chart, we need to alter the inner radius of the chart, such that a hollow space appears in the centre of the chart. Here, we increase the inner radius of the axes while keeping the outer radius the same.


const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery } = viz;

const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

mark: "arc",
encoding: {
angle: "Horsepower",
radius: {
range: function range(_range) {
return [_range[0] + 100, _range[1]];

Donut chart

Creating a polar chart with variable angle and radius

Adding a radius to the layer encoding in a pie chart, creates a polar chart with variable angle and radius. Here the length of each angle is on the No. of cars variable.


const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery } = viz;

const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

mark: "arc",
encoding: {
radius: "No. of cars",
angle: "Maker",
.title("Radial Pie Chart")
"No. of cars is represented as varying radius per maker per cylinder",

Polar chart